Smart Home Tablet Wall Mount [5 Step Guide]

Smart home tablet wall mount

Home automation is the newest trend out there. Like who wouldn’t love to control the home temperature, lawn sprinklers from one place? 

But there are lots of ways of adapting a home automation system. Some go for a wired system while others go for a wireless system. Some prefer to keep this control to themselves and some prefer to open it up for the family members. 

And a great way to keep the home automation open to everyone else is by using a tablet. A popular method in this sector is Smart home tablet wall mount.

Here’s the thing- 

Mounting a tablet for home automation is super easy if you know it. But it’s super tough if you don’t have any experience in this kind of works. Now don’t get all worried up about this. We’re here to help you out. 

Here, we will guide you on how to mount a tablet for home automation. But before we start all out, here’s a disclaimer. We won’t be explaining the software side of the installation here. So, let’s get into the details-

Phase 1: Gathering Necessary Items

Without some necessary items, you cannot turn tablet into smart home hub. So, before you open up your switches and everything, order up some necessary items for this project. Here’s the list-

  • Tablet (Yeah, we know this one’s obvious)
  • Recessed Box
  • USB Cable (This should come with the tablet)
  • Electrical Cable
  • Drywall Saw
  • A Philips Screwdriver and Flathead Screwdriver
  • A Wall Mount Frame
  • A Stud Finder

Besides this, you’ll need some electrical tape and rubber gloves. 

Once you’re done with gathering up these items, you can move on to the next step. 

Phase 2: Selecting the Mounting Area and Cutting Drywall

From this phase, the actual mounting tablet to wall process begins. This phase is divided into two steps. On the first step, you’ll locate your optimal mounting location. And on that 2nd step, you’ll cut your drywall according to your items. Basically, in this part you’ll see less differences between wired and wireless home automation

So, let’s look at both steps in detail-

Step 1

At first, choose a broad area where you want to turn tablet into smart display. Will it be upstairs or downstairs? Will it be inside a room or in a passage? 

Once you’ve specified an area large enough, it’s time to narrow down. Now look for electric outlets in your chosen area. Your smart home tablet wall mount should be near to an electrical outlet. 

Next, decide at what height do you want to mount your tablet. If you want it at eyesight, then see if the power outlet is too far down. If this is the case, then look for another outlet. 

Next, you have to take out that stud finder and look for studs inside your drywall.

In short, you have to look for a place which is near a power outlet and at your preferred height. Which must have studs near it and not directly under it.  

Step 2

After finding the location, mark it up. For this, you will turn around your recessed box and mark around it. But remember, you must not let off the cover during marking. Once you’re done with the primary marking, do another without the cover. Now, cut along with the inner marking line. 

On the other hand, you have to open up the power outlet and build a connection to your tab mounting position. While building, keep track of the prongs. 

Phase 3: Installing the Recessed Box

Our main target is to create a tablet wall mount with power. To do that you have to go through a couple of steps. And before mounting the whole tablet and everything, we have to set up that power source. 

Now take that recessed box and insert it into the hole you made in phase 2. Wire up that recessed box according to the prongs. Screw up that recessed box once you’re done with wiring. Next, attach the inner plate and outer plate that came with the box. 

Phase 4: Preparing the Mount

When someone asks you how to attach tablet to wall, then you can answer in two lines. Prepare the mount and connect it up. Basically, all the phases here fall into these categories. But we all know that there’s a lot behind these two lines. So, thanks for holding up till now and form here on the real part begins. 

You can either buy a tablet wall mount or you can make one. In both cases, keep your tablet models in mind. Even the best tablets for home automation come in different sizes and shapes. 

In the case of custom-made mounts, see if there’s enough space for a USB plug-in after inserting the tablet. If not, then you have to create one. Also, you can glue some small rubber bits in your tablet mount. These will help the mount to hold on to the tablet. 

Phase 5: Attaching the Tablet with Mount on the Wall

This phase is the direct answer to your question – How to mount a tablet to the wall? 

So, you have the connections 

If your mount is custom made or if it’s wooden made you might have to make some adjustments. And for attaching the mount to the wall you can apply picture hanging techniques. What’s that? 

Take 4 headless nails and insert those nails 1/3rd into the mount/frame. Connect the USB with the tablet and the recession box outlet. Now carefully press the whole frame against the drywall. Beat the mount carefully to attach the whole thing perfectly. 

Bottom Line

By now we believe you got your answer to how to hang a tablet on wall. Still, if you think that you some confusion, then call up an electrician. It’s better to let the experts handle these things if you’re not sure. 

So, what are you waiting for? Finish up installing that smart home tablet wall mount. Good luck. 


Norco Alarms

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