The Best Universal Remote of Today: iRule vs Roomie


Having an array of remote controls for every little device can be confusing. Every day we wish there was just one remote to control all of the devices. And, let us tell you, there is. 

A universal remote can truly take your home to that next level of automation. It can bring all the cumbersome tasks of multiple remotes to one. 

In this article, we’re comparing the two most acclaimed universal remotes – iRule vs Roomie. We’re going to compare them based on their features and performance. So, just keep on reading.

Quick Comparison Between iRule vs Roomie

To understand which is better for you, let’s focus on the key differences first.

Here’s a quick birds-eye view of the different aspects of iRule vs Roomie-

Supported DeviceiOS, AndroidiOS
Control TypeEthernet, IR, RS-232Ethernet, IR, RS-232
Controllable DevicesAV Devices, Sound System, Lights, Fireplace, Surround Systems, etc.All AV devices, HVAC systems, Fireplace, Lamps, etc.
Macro Support YesYes
Pricing PlansLimited, Below $100Extensive

That is a quick view into the major differences between the two remotes to help you get a clear idea.

iRule vs Roomie: Head to Head Comparison

Now that you know the key differences, it’s time for a more in-depth discussion. Let’s take a better look so you can decide which is best for you-

Pricing Plans

The iRule has two pricing plans – basic and extensive. And, both under $100. The number of devices you can have depends directly on how many gateways you pay for.

Like the official iRule website says, “ iTach gateways support up to four (4) or eight (8) simultaneous client connections (depending on model), while the GC-100 series gateways support only one (1) connection at a time.” 

Then again, you’ll have to pay for your gateways separately. So, that is a lot of calculation on your part.

On the other hand, the Roomie Remote offers more flexible pricing plans. There are monthly and yearly plans. The number of devices being integrated with the system depends on your choice. 

This makes sure there are no hidden costs.

Initial Setup

Getting started is much harder on the iRule than on the Roomie Remote. The Roomie Remote gives you the ease of use of just one app. But with iRule, you’ve to use a separate third web builder to get started. 

Not to mention, Roomie does not need you to install gateways either. It cuts down the overall setup time by a lot. It also reduces your costs of buying a gateway.

On the iRule, you can design much more intricate commands and have a more customized design. But, it takes a lot of time and some basic knowledge of setting up a universal remote. 

In hindsight, the iRule might prove to be a challenge for beginners and newbies.


If you have an idea of how to set up a universal remote, both iRule and Roomie are pretty easy to figure out. But you will probably notice that every universal remote is unique in its own way. 

Clearly, you will need help understanding how these remotes work.

Both iRule and Roomie have an easy set of instructions on their official builder and website. But, Roomie doesn’t have a user manual available.

You can follow the video tutorials and ask in the forum for help. But not having a user guide is definitely a downside to the service.

Compatible Devices

The iRule is available for both iOS and Android devices. Whereas the Roomie Remote is a strictly Apple-only service. Which easily makes iRule more available to a larger crowd of customers. 

If you don’t own Apple devices, Roomie Remote is definitely not for you.

Components and Concepts

The iRule Remote is complete with three individual components. There is a Builder app, a control gateway, and an App. The app helps run the whole system from a mobile device. 

The builder app is a cloud-based app or a website app that lets you design your network. The app on your mobile device will not work unless you have accessed the web builder. 

You have to do almost no legwork for your remote. The website is designed to help you do most of the work. You can fully program your remote within a matter of minutes if you keep following instructions.

Next, you have to sync the programs through a gateway. The website does the heavy lifting here as well. A gateway configurator will create a gateway for you to get started. 

And then you can follow a simple set of instructions to make as many as you need. Gateways will identify to the remote how it should connect to your devices.

It controls every device in the home that is digital and can be controlled. TVs, lamps, fireplaces, and even drapes. In fact, here are some amazing motorized drape suggestions you can look into-

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After that most of your work is done. With your fully programmed remote you will have a customized and automated home in no time.

On the other hand, Roomie has outdone most other universal remotes in this regard. There are no separate components to this amazing experience. 

The whole process takes place on your iPad or iPhone. You download the app and input your commands.

The important thing that you need to figure out is the “roomie concept”. There are three concepts – the rooms, devices, and the activities. 

The rooms are where the activity will be taking place. “Device” means your TV, drapes, lights, fireplace, or whatever hardware you will be using. And, activity is an amalgamation of different commands sent to specific devices to get the job done.

For example, Listening to Music can be an activity on your Roomie Remote. You can just click on that and Roomie will automatically send instructions to your iTunes module and your speakers to play music.

Once you have the hang of these three concepts, you’re ready to roll. There are very useful tutorials and FAQs on the app itself to get you started. From there, you can avail forum support if you have any hiccups.

Installation Process

The iRule setup is pretty easy. The website has a huge inventory of helpful tutorials. And, we have already mentioned how there are instructions to guide you every step of the way.

Other than that, all the programming is visual. The whole web app is built with a drag-n-drop interface to make it easier for you. It’s an easy roadmap to building a universal remote uniquely designed for you. 

You can add multiple buttons. Moreover,  the buttons can be made bigger or smaller. You can even design separate interfaces for different users in the home.

Moreover, there is absolutely no coding necessary. So you don’t need to hire anyone to set it up for you. You can do that by yourself. 

Like any other new appliance, you just have to spend a little time on it before it adapts to your needs. And, we promise, it’s worth every bit of the hassle.

The Roomie setup is easy as a breeze. Since there are no separate components, all of the work is to be done on your mobile device. The interface is the same for both iPhone and iPad. 

You can do all of the necessary programming in under 1 hour. Just follow the instructions on the video tutorial for basic guidelines. This app is also completely visual. So, there is no need for any coding expertise.

The Roomie remote takes much less time to be ready. And it doesn’t entail as much hassle either.

Which Remote Is for You?

Even though the two remotes have their distinct features, advantages, and drawbacks, there’s a place for both. If you look at them objectively you’ll easily figure out which one is right for you.

For Android users, it’s best if you go for Roomie. 

Now those with both operating systems available, it’s a tough choice. But depending on your ease of use, go with either. 

If you’re a diehard Apple fan, look no further than the iRule. 


Question: Can I use iRule to control Apple Music?

Answer: Yes. Simply download the app from App Store and sync your downloads to control Apple Music, iTunes, Apple TV, etc.

Question: Can I use Roomie for Android?

Answer: Unfortunately, no. The Roomie remote is an Apple exclusive.

Question: Is a universal remote worth it?

Answer: Yes, it absolutely is. Even with a minimum media setup, you can enjoy the benefits of a universal remote.

Final Verdict

If you have read this far, thank you so much for coming along. Universal remotes are the next best solution for home automation. 

For ultimate convenience, you need to choose the right remote for you between iRule vs Roomie. We hope this article helps you in making that crucial decision. Good luck!

Norco Alarms

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