No Video, but Camera LEDs are On? Here’s How to Solve It

No Video, but Camera LEDs are On? Here’s How to Solve It


Security cameras are a gift to Mankind. They protect your home and keep away the bad guys. Plus, you can always feel safe since some systems allow you to access the cameras through your phone. 

But what to do when there’s an issue? If you ever faced “No video, but camera LEDs are on”, you know exactly what we’re talking about. 

Faulty Cameras result in no video, even with a proper power supply. However, even having a non-compatible DVR could cause a loss of video but the camera LED’s to shine brightly. Insufficient voltage is another such culprit, which may cause a loss of video. Lastly, a weak wifi connection may cause no video problem too.

Cheer up. We’ve come up with a few common reasons why this may be happening. So buckle up as we unravel this mystery together!

No Video, but Camera LEDs are On: Reasons and Solutions

If you’re in a sitch where this keeps happening, the culprit could be anything.

From some connection issues to a faulty camera, you might be confused about where to start looking first. That’s where we step in.

To make things easier, we’ll guide you through the process. Let’s see what the fuss is all about.

1. Faulty Cameras

Let’s begin with the most obvious yet common reason for your video malfunction. In case you’ve had your cameras for quite a while, it’s not uncommon for them to start malfunctioning.

But how do you know if it’s time to invest in new ones?

The answer is quite simple. Remove a camera that you know works, and simply install it in the faulty camera’s connection.

In case that solves the issue, you’ve found your answer.

Now, if you don’t have a spare camera, don’t worry. We’ve got a solution for that too!

All you need to do is, plug the suspected camera directly into a monitor and see whether it works or not.

2. Non-compatible Device

Since your cameras and DVRs (Digital Video Recorder) go hand in hand, it’s an absolute must that these two devices are compatible with each other.

Although this seems pretty simple, it’s a common mistake that a lot of us accidentally overlook.

Thus, we advise you to check if your DVR supports your installed cameras. If it’s not, it may result in no video showing up, but your camera LEDs will be on since the camera is working. 

Wondering how to go about it? Easy. Bring out those user manuals of your camera and DVR to see what video formats they support. 

Just for the record, in case you install a 1080p camera with an analog DVR that’s 960H, the video will not work. 

If this is the issue, we suggest you invest in a hybrid camera that can support multiple video formats. Here are some of our favorite picks.

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Make sure that it has analog CVBS mode in it, and it’ll be the perfect match for your DVR.

3. Insufficient Voltage

Another sneaky reason that we don’t think of, is a loss of video due to insufficient voltage!

You check the camera and the compatibility and everything is perfect. However, the video still doesn’t work and the power cables are all fine too!

Come to think that your cameras are haunted? Hold on!

Sometimes, the problem is that the cameras aren’t getting enough power. 

This might happen due to some loose cables, which may periodically get disconnected. Or else, if you’re using one cable for loads of cameras, they may be fighting to stay alive.

How to fix this?

Change the port of your DVR to make sure that’s not the problem. Next, check whether your ethernet cables aren’t way too long. 

Moreover, if your extension cables have worn down, then it may be time to get some new ones. 

Last but not the least, recheck all of your connections. Who knows? You may come across a problem that you’ve overlooked before. 

4. Weak WiFi Connection

The last culprit that we’ll talk about, is a wifi problem. 

If you live in an area with poor network, or your router is oceans away from your cameras, it could result in a weak signal and thus, no video.

Luckily, solving this problem doesn’t take too much work. 

The easiest thing you can do is move the router nearer to the cameras. Moreover, if you have any big obstacles in the way, you may want to remove them.

In case that still doesn’t cut it, you may want to switch the router or change your service provider if the network is to blame.

If nothing else works, you can always use a range extender to solve the problem.


Question: Why does my IP camera keep going offline?

Answer: This may happen due to several reasons. First of all, check whether there’s no power loss or lack of connection. After checking out the most common cause, make sure that the wires are all connected, and turn your camera on.


Question: How do you know if a camera is recording?

Answer: You’ll get to know if a camera is recording or not through the red beeping light around the camera lens. You may also notice the camera lens moving around. If you can access the camera through the phone, that’s another good way to check.


Question: What causes ghosting on CCTV cameras?

Answer: Ghosts on CCTV cameras are mainly seen due to high DWDR, high gain or slow shutter speed. Glare from any dirt or smudges can also seem like a ghost and scare people easily. Lastly, lens flare can also cause such images to form.


That’s all from us, folks! We hope you enjoyed this post and solved the issue. 

If you still have doubts about no video, but camera LEDS are on, don’t forget to let us know.

Until then, stay happy and safe.

Norco Alarms

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